
Richard Beckham holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles. He is a graduate from the University of Washington with a degree in English, where he wrote articles for the school’s alternative newspaper The Weekly Enema.

His paintings have appeared in shops, restaurants, and galleries in and around Seattle. He has also performed original music that has been on the radio.

As a writer, he has published short stories and poetry, as well as two novels through Realm Crux Books. Richard Beckham was also one of the founding professional writers for the iTunes app, HOOKED. On the app, his chat stories have around 1 million reads — one of which was made into the short film “VAN.”

His work appeared in The Bookends Review’s “Best of 2015 Anthology,” Innovative Fiction Magazine, Metazen, Yesteryear Fiction, Dying Writers, Gold Man Review, and a poem by Leaves of Ink. He lives in the Seattle area with his wife and son does most of his writing before sunrise and beginning his day job.

To learn more about Richard Beckham check out social media links. You can also email him politely at richard@richardbeckham.com with questions or about writing and editing services.

Richard Beckham, writer at work
The writer at work